Mobo and graphics thoughts...
Been looking around a bit for a mobo/graphics solution, and I reckon I've got it half sorted...
I'm probably gonna go for an NVidia 6200 based card, as they have lots of good features, but more importantly they can be found as a passively cooled unit, which means no noise. Along with all the 6*00 series cards, they have native component outputs (and svideo, and composite), which means I'll have no probs getting a good signal into the TV.
As far as motherboards go, I don't really know where to start. I found this post on the Anandtech forums, which seems like a good place to start.
I don't really need something with a huge amount of features... I'll probably just figure it out when it comes time to purchase.
Edit: Although I just saw this board MSI K8NGM2-FID, which has the built in NV6150, and also seems to have component out. Hmm...
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