In The Beginning
These first few posts may be a bit heavy going, as I had already started the process at the time of creating this Blog.
I also wanted to spend about $500. (Not sure whether this is realistic...but I’ll give it a go!)
No bigger than VCR
Minimalistic front panel
Basic needed Features:
Digital tuner
Time shifting
scheduled recording
All in one software solution
DVD, CD, mp3, and most compressed video formats playback
GAF (Girlfriend acceptance factor)
Features that would be nice:
Networked with other home PC’s
No need for keyboard and mouse
Wireless network?
GAF is a big deal as we are both paying for the box. She wants something that is going to be no more hassle to operate than a vcr on dvd player etc, which is the ultimate purpose of this box anyway.
Components I have to decide on are:
Tuner card
DVD drive
I wasn’t sure what spec I’d need to run the system as I’ve never really researched on what you need to run something like this, but I assumed that It wouldn’t need to be TOO fast.
My mate had an old p4 1.2(?) ATX board+chip sitting around that he said I could have for free, so I thought I’d start with that and go from there. Soon after looking around at other HTPC specs however, I decided that this wouldn’t do, and also I felt better about building it from all new components anyway for reliability sake. So I’m saying no to the parts, and building from scratch.
At this stage I didn’t really even know the differences between mobo form factors and the such. I’d seen smaller boxes at the local PC market, and I assumed that they were micro-ATX, so I figured that I’d base my decisions on fitting stuff into a micro-ATX sized box. As it turns out, they were actually ATX cases, just small ones! I showed the GF a few of these cases, and she approved the size, which means that I can relax a bit on the internal component restrictions for now.
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